†Journal Entry #01 :: The Blogs‡
†Date & Time: 040906, Sunday, 3:23pm‡
†Weather: Sunny, yet a bit windy for a typical summer day‡
Suilan, Mellonamin!
I woke up 2:00 in the afternoon. ~_~ Anyways, as this is my first post here in BlogSpot, I want to say a few things. First, this is now my official blog, since Friendster Blog is getting on my nerves. For those of you who’d like to view my old blogs, here’s a link: faust_xiii.blogs.friendster.com. Next, Hello to all of you! XD Welcome to my new and improved blogs!!! Heheh, now that that’s done, lets get on with it.
It’s a bit sad since Rein isn’t taking summer classes, but at least Justine is. Maybe that’s a heavenly sign for me to go to her and say sorry personally. Again, for those of you doesn’t know who those are, go check out my old blogs. For those who are to lazy to do so, well Rein is the one I’d like to court (Except that she’s already got a boyfriend) while Justine… Well, let’s just say we’ve got a messy history. Oh, and they’re both as cute as hell, though the glasses doesn’t exactly suit Rein. I’ll post a pic here if can procure one.
Right now, I’m playing Dungeon Siege II while listening to Nanase Aikawa’s Unlimited. It’s a nice song, pretty good beat… Oh, and My Photoshop CS2 is also open, waiting for me get some kind of inspiration so that I can create a DeviantID and a forum footer (I’ll post both later). And
Well, that’s that. Oh wait, to celebrate my first post here in DeviantArt, there’s a number additions to my blog, namely: “The Tournament Report”, “Elite-ranista Academe”, “Gathering the Magic”, “To Read, Write and Listen” and “Teknologos”. The first one would be posted only when there’s significant information about the tournaments happening somewhere and me and/or my berks are in it. The next three, expect that they’ll appear once every two or so days, while the last, don’t expect too many of those since they’ll mostly be made up of dream gadgets that would take a miracle for me to have. So, enjoy the write ups!
I’d see all of you in the shining shores beyond!
†The Tournament Report‡
†The Twin Tourneys‡
There are currently two tournaments whose dates are already pending: The “Naruto: Narutimett Hero 3 Tournament” and the “King of the Iron Fist 5 Tournament”. The details are below.
*Naruto: Narutimett Hero 3 Tournament*
The current rules: Naruto Comprehensive Rules V1b (Click Here to view)
Current Champion: Juner Hart “Shodaime” Ex-Hokage, Current “Akatsuki Leader”
Known Challengers: Patrick “Nidaime” Ex-Hokage
Francis “Sunagakure Chuunin”
Gaius “Sunagakure Genin”
John Mark “Konohagakure Genin”
Austin “
Jonathan “
Other challengers:
Edwin, Jeboi & Andrew
*King of the Iron Fist 5 Tournament*
Rules: 3 rounds (Best 2 out of 3)
100% Handicap
99 Sec. Time Limit
Random Stages
Double Knockout System (Two loses and you’re out)
Current Champion: None
Known Fighters: Patrick (Asuka Kazama)
Juner (Heihachi Mishima)
Gaius (Steve Fox)
Francis (Jin Kazama)
John Mark (Hwoarang)
Austin (Lei Wulong)
Jonathan (Paul Phoenix)
Edwin (Ganryu)
Phil (Unknown)
Ranking System: Each win in the tourney pushes your rank higher while each lose makes your rank lower. At the end of the tourney, whichever rank you have would be your ‘Default’ rank, and cannot be made lower during the next tourney.
Beginner --- lowest ranking
9th kyu to 1st kyu
1st dan to 5th dan
Tekken Lord --- highest ranking
There you go; the two tourneys that would be held this month (hopefully). If there’s something wrong with the data, or if you want to join, then contact me at once.
†Elite-ranista Academe‡
†Summer Classes‡
I hate my grades. 2nd Year, 2nd Semester Average Grade: 85.16 ß Too low by five points in my standards. *sigh* I guess LECOMELEC reaaly took its toll upon my grades, eh?
I have a very depressing schedule this summer (8 Units, while the maximum units for summer classes is 9), and I just hope I can cope with it ‘cause I intend to drop my position in LECOMELEC, and that wouldn’t be possible unless I finish the Election Program this summer. Here’s my current plan of action this summer semester.
Database Management Systems Design – MTWHF @ 9:00am to 12:00pm
Buhay at Gawa ni Rizal – MTWHF @ 1:00pm to 3:00 pm
Team Sports – MWF @ 3:30pm to 5:30pm
Library/Research – TH @ 3:30pm to 5:30pm
I have to finish the Election Software before this month ends so that I can start the simulations before june comes. Currently, the software has a lot of bugs, and I intend to remake the whole thing from scratch, focusing on each module as if they were a single program. Such is the way of Object-Oriented Programming, but I’m having great troubles on code foundations, so I guess the program would take a lot of time and effort before I can successfully simulate it…
Well, good luck to me. ~_~
†To Read, Write and Listen‡
†For the Empire‡
Below is an excerpt from the Legend of the Five Rings Story (http://www.alderac.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=38823#top)
Sezaru’s eyes narrowed. “You intend to seize control of the capital?”
“No,” Kaneka said emphatically. “I intend to maintain order while the Emperor is absent. If he wishes me to depart, all he must do is emerge from his seclusion and resume the duty himself, or appoint another to do it in my place.”
For a brief moment, Kaneka feared that he had overstepped his bounds. Sezaru’s eyes seemed to glow, but they gave off no light or energy, merely a strange intensity that the Shogun imagined he could almost feel. “It is your intent, then, to maintain law and order, then?” Sezaru asked quietly. “Your ambition does not extend beyond that?”
“No,” Kaneka said adamantly. “I am no brutish conqueror. Not any longer.”
The intensity finally faded from Sezaru’s eyes, and the Wolf seemed tired. “I should destroy you,” he said after a moment’s consideration.
Kaneka instantly plotted the location of his blade behind him, and the various items he could use as a shield long enough to get close to Sezaru. He suspected it would not be enough. “You do not believe me, then?”
“On the contrary,” Sezaru said. “I can see into your soul. I know that you are an ambitious man. I know that you bear no love for our brother the Emperor. And yet you are honorable, as he is. You desire only the best for the Empire, as he does. And you both believe that the other cannot achieve such goals.”
Kaneka frowned. “Then why destroy me, if you know I am genuine.”
“Because two men such as you, both desiring the Empire’s best interests, and both adamantly opposed to the other’s methods, is the greatest threat that Rokugan can face,” Sezaru said. “You will tear the Empire apart.”
“That cannot happen,” Kaneka said firmly.
“Agreed,” the Wolf said, turning to leave. “It will not, because eventually I will have no choice but to decide which of my brothers will save the Empire, and which will damn it with war.”
“And when that day comes?”
Sezaru turned as he stepped through the doors, raising his mask to his face. “On that day,” he said, his voice oddly different, “I will have but one brother remaining.”