†Journal # 17 :: Weeky Happenings...‡
†Date & Time: 3rd of June, 2006; 1:44am‡
†Weather: Cold. ~_~‡
Suilan, Mellonamin!
A lot has happened. Really... Ok then, to enumerate some: First, my Corite Warrior got to level 29. I'll post a screenshot later. Next, my Digimon, Seph just evolved to DemiDevimon. Here's my Digimon Profile, and my adventure thread. Also, my classes in school is over, but I'm really worried about my grades.. The DBMS was a bit too close to failure (I'm expecting a 7x in my CompCard, I just hope I pass...) while my Rizal Class is not too diferent. *sigh* A couple of bumps, a couple of boosts, I guess my core belief is really manifesting in my life eh? (Serpent and Cross...I'll explain some other time). Oh, and my mom and dad is coming home..a bit later. We're going to the airport at about 2:00pm, and to be honest, I'm not too cool about it. Why? Because I enjoyed the relative freedom I had when they're not here, and also because I'd have my gametime at RF virtually wasted. Yup, my obession is still grating on...
Anyways, I really hope to enjoy this remaining week of my summer, so I hope my parents don't plan on going to malls or entertaining guests every single day...
Things I downloaded since I got the PLDT myDSL:
> Episodes 1 to 15 of Gakuen Alice
> Episodes 1 to 26 of Samurai 7 (Complete!)
> Episodes 1 to 6 of Digimon Savers
> Episodes 1 to 50 of Gundam SEED Destiny (Complete!)
> Episodes 1 to 6 of Makai Senki Disgaea
> Gundam SEED OAV: Astray Red Frame
> Heroes of Might & Magic V (PC Software)
> PowerISO (PC Software)
> Rise of Nations: Rise of Legends (PC Software)
> Episodes 1 to 14 of Digimon Frontier
> Episodes 14 to 43 of Digimon Frontier
All of those thanks to Azureus BitTorrent Client! ^_^
†Tournament Report‡
†Spills & Thrills‡
Tekken V Tournament Report:
The tourney was cancelled due to the malfunctioning of my Playstation 2 console. Basically, it won't read the disc. I have no idea why, but have to cancel the tourney because of it. ~_~
Magic: The Gathering Tournament Report:
Here it is, staight from the DCI Reporter:
Ok then, see ya next tournament!
†Gathering the Magic‡
†Updating the Decklist...yet again‡
In the light of my last tournament brawl, I decided to add some twists on my deck since I saw that I was particulary vulnerable to weenie rush tactics.
// Deck file for Magic Workstation (http://www.magicworkstation.com)
// Lands
7 [UNH] Island
7 [UNH] Mountain
4 [UNH] Plains
1 [UNH] Forest
1 [CHK] Minamo, School at Water's Edge
// Creatures
3 [DIS] Simic Sky Swallower
2 [CHK] Keiga, the Tide Star
// Spells
4 [9E] Mana Leak
4 [9E] Annex
4 [DIS] Azorius Signet
4 [DIS] Simic Signet
4 [9E] Wildfire
3 [RAV] Faith's Fetters
3 [RAV] Three Dreams
2 [RAV] Dream Leash
2 [9E] Icy Manipulator
2 [9E] Confiscate
2 [9E] Exhaustion
2 [RAV] Copy Enchantment
// Sideboard
SB: 4 [RAV] Remand
SB: 4 [NE] Seal of Fire
SB: 4 [9E] Pyroclasm
SB: 2 [CHK] Sensei's Divining Top
SB: 1 [9E] Exhaustion
New Additions: Exhaustion, Copy Enchantment and a third Three Dreams. Why? Exhaustion is there to stem the bleeding when the weenies attack (I can't include Holy Day or Ethereal Haze beacuse my mana primarily comes from the 8 blue signets) while the copy enchantment is a turn five Annex with enough mana left for a Mana Leak. The third Three Dreams is there because I can't seem to draw it consistently. Well, that's that in my Magic World.
† PDA Phone Galore‡
I want the Palm Treo 700w. I want it I want it I want it!!! *sigh* Here's the specs. What I liked the most on the PDA-Phone is that it uses Microsoft Windows Mobile 5, which has Microsoft Office Mobile. That software would simplify my problems about having not enough paper to wirte ideas into. Also, It has a full suite of much needed gadgets that's unavailable in other PDAs or Phones out there, such as accessories to connect to an external router (Which we'll be getting sometime later) and a 1.3 MegaPix Digital camera... Darn it, I really want this Treo... ~_~
†To Read, Write and Listen‡
† : One Answer Too Late : ‡
by: kaasutii
He asks me that questions
How do I answer?
Do I say yes?
Or do I say no?
I am speechless...
He asks me again
What do I do?
Can I tell him the truth?
Or will I tell him the lies?
He looks at me and heavily sighs
What is he thinking?
What would he say?
How do I ask him?
He turns and begins to walk
Can I stop him?
Do I spare him my feelings?
Do I spare him at all?
I ask her The Question
What will she say?
Will she say yes?
Or will she say no?
She is speechless
I ask her again
What will she say?
Can she tell me the truth?
Or will she tell me the lies?
I look at her silence and sigh
What will she say?
What is she thinking?
How do I ask her?
I turn with a tear in my eye
That means no...
She has no feelings
None at all
She calls his name and he turns around
"Of course I love you!" she says to his face
"And I love you, too."
He replies, and walks on