†Journal Entry #13 :: Darned…‡
†Date & Time: 051506, Mondae, 11:19pm‡
†Weather: A stormy summer day…‡
Suilan, Mellonamin!
Wait, a sec, kay?
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*sigh* Why am I not updating my blogs regularly despite the DSL state of my computer? Two Words: Rising Force. It's disrupting my routines and obligations like a plague. I'll try to regulate my time more wisely from now one, but until my obessesion wears out, the blogs would stay as it is...
So what's up? Well, I need to download Bi(Rain)'s Album after I get Fall Out Boy's. Also, I need to watch Samurai 7, since I downloaded all 50+ episodes. And I have to find Gakuen Alice's episodes 15 up as well as Digimon Savers episodes 5 up... *sigh* I gues that's the problem wuth a DSL connection at home: It's a huge distraction. But still, I'm sure I'll get used to it. On to academics: I wasn't able to go to our Rizal field trip. Darned it. Also, DBMS has undergone a huge shift in tempo, going from blisteringly fast to turtle's pace in one meeting. Those aside, I think I can pass summer subjcets If not with fly colors.