Ok, So the journal type blogs aren't very nice. It's too damn serious... I need to take a break. NOT! I'm not taking a break, I'm just creating another blog! I'll try to update this blog once a week, so don't despair. ^_^ Here's a few choice pics of what's gonna happen at the new blog. Or, if you want, you can go there now!SerpentAndCross.BlogSpot.Com
Hey! Phil here. If you have the time, you may visit my blogs page. It's kinda new. (
Well, first of all, thanks for everything. I really appreciate your kindness, dude.
Well, on to the comments anyway.
1. Update your blogs! Haha! Well, you see, I know you're really busy all this time. But i'd appreciate it if you update from time to time, only if you have the time for it.
2. Your layouts are great. I can say no more.
3. Please tell Austin to make use of a full "qwerty" keyboard. Sometimes, whenever I see a message with no caps whatsover at realms, it's really an eye sore. XD
4. I still owe Edwin his 2 Keigas. Don't worry, I still have them. But i'm going to use it dominate FNMs. I still have to look for 2 more, so we have a full set of them.
5. Did you know that you're compatible with Aubrey? =)
That's all with my first comments. Ciao!
P.S. I would be really looking forward for another bragging right tournament in Magic with our group. It's a great way of testing our decks and getting familiar with organized gameplay.
Posted by Jin Rui | 12:45 PM